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The Best Horror Films on Netflix

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It’s October and you all know what that means! Spooky season is here! Fortunately, the streaming platform Netflix features a ton of badass horror films this month.

If you’re like me and have DVDs, that won’t matter to you. But it’s the year 2020 and I’m sure there are people who don’t even know what a “DVD” is. Therefore, I’m going to discuss the best horror films on Netflix.

Now, fair warning: I’m picky. 99% of the horror films on Netflix won’t be on this list.

That’s because I, a. never watched them, b. don’t care to watch them, or c. look stupid or heard they sucked.

My boyfriend did say I’m a horror film hipster, so I also suggest you look at other “best horror films on Netflix” lists and look at other horror films that Netflix offers.

Otherwise, here we go!

The Addams Family

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know what you’re thinking. “ThE aDdAmS fAmIlY iSn’T a HoRrOr FiLm.” Well screw you, this movie is awesome.

I’m not sure what I love more about The Addams Family. How I pretty much live every day thinking I’m Morticia Addams. How Christina Ricci did a superb job playing Wednesday Addams. How absolutely hilarious it is and all of the unforgettable scenes.

But I think what I love most is you see how absurd “normal” people are. Let’s give one of the best scenes as the perfect example, the school play. Morticia and Gomez are talking to a mother who is overly excited about her son dressed as an elf, even spitting on a napkin and wiping his face. Ewww.

Overall, this is one of the best movies on Netflix that everyone should watch. But seriously, The Addams’ make their entire existence spooky. We should all be like The Addams Family.

House of 1,000 Corpses

Okay, now we’re doing a 180. Funny fact, House of 1,000 Corpses was the first horror film I ever saw. I never watched anything so grotesque and it made me intrigued. Ever since then, I’ve always had a little fascination with this movie.

Everyone has different opinions about Rob Zombie films, but I honestly love his films (or most of them). He is an amazing visionary and his movies had a sense of authenticity to them. While the premise of this film is kinda bland (a group of kids find the legend named Dr. Satan and then regret meeting him), Rob Zombie still makes such a unique film that quickly became a cult classic.

Also, House of 1,000 Corpses is better than The Devil’s Rejects. Don’t @ me.


This is one modern horror film that I wish more people talked about (and I now regret not adding it to my Best Modern Horror Films list). A friend and I stumbled upon it when we were scrolling through Netflix and couldn’t find anything else to watch. Well, other than this movie.

Errementari is also called “The Devil and the Blacksmith.” The film is spoken entirely in the Basque language (with English subtitles). Errementari is based on a legend called “The Smith and the Devil.” It centers around an orphan girl, Usue, who enters a blacksmith’s home after a boy threw her doll in his yard. She sees a boy locked in a cage. After she releases the boy, he turns into a demon.

You discover the demon tricked the blacksmith. Now, the blacksmith caught the demon and is torturing him.

From here, the film gets crazy. You discover who the blacksmith really is, the true lineage of Usue, and even more demons appear.

In short, the film is a masterpiece. It’s beautifully shot, the story leaves you guessing, the acting is superb, and the film holds an individualistic artistic element that not many horror films capture.

This isn’t a “scary” film per se, but it’s unique and interesting. I highly suggest everyone watches it.

Evil Dead

Yay! Netflix actually has some REALLY GOOD HORROR for once. That’s why it’s necessary to mention the classic Evil Dead. And no, not the remake. The original 1981 film.

So, what all can I say about Evil Dead? How disturbing yet hilarious yet awesome it is? How this movie encompasses every nightmare you can imagine? How Evil Dead went above and beyond, compared to other horror films of that time?

There’s a reason why Evil Dead inspired a slew of horror filmmakers, horror films, and even death metal bands (queue the Death song “Evil Dead”). Evil Dead is the perfect blend of creepy, gory, and entertaining. In short, it’s pure gold.

You shouldn’t need a reason to watch Evil Dead. But this film should be on your Netflix Halloween watch list. It’s definitely on mine.


“They’re heeere.”

It’s time for ghost movies on Netflix! If this movie didn’t scare the shit out of you, then you’re a brave soul. It’s an absolute classic that should be enjoyed any time of the year, but especially during Halloween.

I think what I love about Poltergeist is how the film doesn’t have cheesy jump scares, yet it’s just creepy. Even though I’m someone who loves gore and crazy shit, Poltergeist doesn’t need any of that. The atmosphere of the film is eerie enough.

Take the stacking chairs scene as an example. The scene itself shouldn’t be scary, but there’s something freaky about it. Actually, I always thought of this scene in school when they would stack the chairs on the desks. Maybe that’s why I love this scene so much.

The acting is also superb and the characters are likable. There will also never be a creepier kid in a movie than Carol Anne (RIP Heather O’Rourke).

Overall, Poltergeist is a timeless film that should be enjoyed every Halloween.

The Silence of the Lambs

“Hello, Clarice.”

A few films in the Hannibal trilogy are on Netflix, but The Silence of the Lambs is obviously the best one.

Where should we start with this film? How it was brilliantly made? How the story is genius? How it’s one of the most disturbing yet mindblowing films ever made? And Anthony Hopkins? Yes, Anthony Hopkins.

What I think we all love about Silence of the Lambs is it’s not your typical serial killer movie. They don’t rely on gore and other crazy stuff (even though I love body horror). This film gets inside your head, making it the ultimate thriller.

I’m not sure what else I can say other than this is a genius film. Definitely add this one to your Halloween watch list.

Killer Klowns From Outer Space

Okay, I saw this on my Netflix recommended feed and I just had to include this classic in here. This silly, almost cartoonish horror film, is perfect for a drunk Halloween night with your friends. It’s amazingly cheesy with some ace kills.

It’s obviously not a scary movie, but it’s absolutely hilarious and always a good movie to watch if you’re bored (which we probably will be during a COVID-19 Halloween).

I’m positive you’ve seen Killer Klowns From Outer Space. Even if you’ve seen it, turn this classic on and laugh at the ridiculousness.


I was really impressed with this film. Hush 2016 centers around a woman who’s deaf. She retreats to the woods to write her book and live a peaceful life. But life stops being peaceful when a masked man approaches her home.

What I love about this film the most is the cinematography, which I usually don’t say because I could care less about that stuff. But something about the way Hush was filmed gives off serious eerie vibes.

For one, a good chunk of the film is silent. You’re put in the main character’s perspective, who lacks the ability to hear while she’s trying to fight for her life.

Kate Siegel is absolutely phenomenal in this film. She shows the emotions of this terrifying experience, yet she’s such a badass.

If you haven’t seen this movie, it’s definitely one to check out.

Sick of the Best Horror Films on Netflix? Read a Book Instead!

These are by far the best horror films on Netflix. But have you seen these films a thousand times, even the scariest films out now, and want something new? Read a book instead! If you love serial killer stories, you’ll love my book Dissecting House.

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