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The Best New Horror Films

Featured image source: Blue Fox Entertainment

There are so many good horror movies coming out! While I do see some films that could use a better storyline, I also see so many films breaking barriers.

From unique plots and concepts to taking a unique take on a common theme in horror, there are lots of great horror films that will make their mark in history. Here’s my list of the best new horror films, in no order.


This is a movie my last roommate showed me. It has a very unique storyline — two drug dealing women approach their mentally unstable childhood friend and ask for money. To get their money, they must partake in perverse games that become more violent and sinister as the film progresses. By the end of the film, all three girls lose their sanity, resulting in a crazy ending.

It’s not only one of the most intense psychological thrillers I’ve seen but the film is completely unpredictable.

First, let’s start with the mentally unstable childhood friend —Daphne Peters, played by Madeline Brewer. Her character perfectly blends childlike innocence with psychopathic tendencies. As pretty and posh as she is, there’s a mysterious evil lurking deep inside of her.

The viewer can’t help but try and dissect Daphne and understand what’s really going on inside her head. But the fact that she’s such an enigma makes her character that much more compelling.

The other two girls, Petula and Tilda, progress drastically throughout the film. At the beginning, the girls played typical fugitives who were stopping at nothing to try and get their cash. By the end, they were engulfed by the black hole that make them both insane.

Another aspect I love about this film is how it’s beautifully shot, but in a different way than other films. They don’t rely on fancy effects, cool lighting, and mumbo jumbo. The exquisite manor Daphne inherited is the setting of the film. Even though the house is worn down, it’s still absolutely amazing. The house looks like something out of Europe — the architecture is absolutely exquisite and every room is ornate. It’s impressive to make such a beautiful movie in one home, but the makers of Braid pulled it off.

Even with the beautiful scenery, the film has a chaotic vibe that gets even more powerful until the film’s end.

Overall, this is a unique horror film and I can’t wait to see what other films director Mitzi Peirone makes.

The Perfection

Here’s another groundbreaking and unique film I quickly fell in love with. I also love music, so this film hit two of my biggest passions.

Two incredible cello players from the same school meet in China where the newest cello prodigy is performing a concert. The two embark on an adventure that quickly turns chaotic. The film continues to twist and turn, until they discover the true meaning of their evils: the perfection.

What I love most about this film is how unpredictable it is. The way the film starts, progresses, and ends is completely different. It’s one of those stories where you think you can predict what will happen next and then they throw a curveball at you.

The acting is superb. I love how every character has their own demons and yet the evilest character in the film is the one you least expect. Even then, all characters are realistic — they embody the thrilling atmosphere of the movie, but they still play a passionate role.

If you’re looking for a horror film that’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen, I highly suggest this one.


I have to admit, I’m getting sick of cult movies, specifically Satanic/evil cult movies. But Mandy is different. It’s a psychedelic movie that follows a Manson-like cult, evil acid-tripping bikers, and of course Nicholas Cage.

The premise of the film is the leader of the cult discovers Nicholas Cage’s girlfriend, Mandy (played by Andrea Riseborough) and falls in love with her. He orders the biker gang to abduct her. When Mandy mimics the cult leader for his terrible folk music, he murders her. Nicholas Cage seeks revenge and takes on the bikers and cult members single-handedly.

Overall, this is a movie you’ll never forget. Beyond the trippy effects, bright colors, and absolutely beautiful imagery, this film is just phenomenal. I honestly think this is one of Nic Cage’s best roles; in the beginning of the film, he’s full of love and passion, and by the middle of the film his character is full of rage.

This film is brutal but it’s not just brutal for the sake of being brutal. Sure, there’s blood and fire and what not, but the violence isn’t forced. The brutality also comes from the raw emotion in the film, which is really what makes this film memorable.

I’m sure you’ve seen Mandy already. But if you haven’t, you seriously can’t miss this one.


I have to admit, I was not interested in watching this movie when I first discovered it. When I watched the trailer and saw all of the promos, it looked like a demonic kid movie. My old roommate said it was one of the top horror movies today and forced me to watch it, so I did.

I still went into the movie expecting the little demonic kid thing. But as the movie progressed, I realized that wasn’t the case. I’m not even going to get into the story because even describing the first part will give away a lot of details.

This movie isn’t too gory, but it is uneasy. Something bizarre and creepy happens every second. What I also like about this movie is how there are no cliches. It’s also hard to classify this film into a genre — it’s kind of paranormal, kind of demonic, kind of a thriller, and all of the above.

I also want to discuss the main actress, Toni Collette. She deserves an Oscar for all of her roles. I remember her as the mom from the movie Little Miss Sunshine — not a horror film but one I still adore. I absolutely love every role she plays and she’s seriously an underrated actress.

I also have a feeling director and writer Ari Aster will become the next biggest name in horror. Also, he’ll come up again later in this list.

If you haven’t, watch this movie. No matter what kind of horror you like or prefer, every horror fan will appreciate this movie.

Ready or Not

I have a funny story about this movie. I saw it in theaters with a bunch of my friends before the Tampa Bay Screams horror convention.

This is a movie I wanted to see, but I wasn’t sure what it was about. And it definitely surpassed my expectations.

Now, the plot makes the movie sound stupid. A woman, Grace (played by Samara Weaving) marries into a rich family. When they induct a new family member, they play a card game. Little does Grace know, the card she chooses determines her demise. The movie suddenly turns into a game of cat and mouse, where Grace has to fight for her life.

There are many reasons why I like this film, but many of them have to do with the ending. Don’t worry, I won’t give away any spoilers. All I will say is once you figure out what’s going on with the family, you’ll appreciate the movie way more.

But I will say this film is definitely amusing. It’s a total thriller but it throws in humor when it fits. Grace is not only a total badass but she’s a likeable character and Weaving did an amazing job playing her.

This isn’t one of the scariest horror movies, but any horror fan will enjoy it. I totally suggest that everyone checks out this movie!


Remember I said that Hereditary director and writer Ari Aster will appear again on this list? A “best new horror films” list isn’t complete without mentioning the masterpiece Midsommar. Everyone has different opinions about this movie, but I absolutely love it.

The film is complex and has many layers, but I’ll give you a brief summary. An American couple and their friends decide to go to Sweden, where they celebrate Midsommar with their Swedish friend Pelle (played by Vilhelm Blomgren) at the village where he’s from.

While the festival sounds amazing and a once-in-a-lifetime experience, the Americans quickly discover the festival — and the village — isn’t what they expected, since the village exhibits cult-like behavior.

Like I mentioned, I’m sick of the Satanic cult films, but I love unique plays on the genre. This is the perfect example of a unique cult film. Even though they technically conveyed the Swedish Midsommar festival incorrectly (people don’t get sacrificed during these festivities), this film is a breath of fresh air in a genre that’s so polluted.

The story is even more complex than this. The film centers largely around the couple, Dani (played by Florence Pugh) and Christian (played by Jack Reynor). Long story short, Dani has mental health issues and also lost her entire family at the beginning of the film, and Christian is pretty much an insincere douchebag.

I won’t say what happens to the couple because it will give away the whole movie.

While many scenes in the film are graphic, the majority of the film is beautiful. You see the gorgeous Swedish countryside and the film conveys the culture and their festivities extremely well.

Still, this is one of the most terrifying movies today. Even with all of these beautiful and interesting elements, the film is just really uncomfortable. I don’t know how else to describe it other than the vibe the film creates. As the story and characters progress, that vibe becomes even stronger. It’s sinister and creepy but in such a unique way to where no horror film has done it before.

It’s a long movie — two hours and 28 minutes long. Also, be prepared to do some thinking and conduct some research. This is a film that has a complex ending and you have to put all of the pieces together to make sense of it (or at least I did).

Seriously, if you haven’t watched Midsommar, watch it. Trust me.

Have You Seen These Best New Horror Films?

What if you already saw these best new horror films? You can always pick up a book instead! Check out my book Dissecting House. It is technically new — I published it in 2018. And if you love gory serial killer books, then this is the book for you!

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One Comment

  1. […] one modern horror film that I wish more people talked about (and I now regret not adding it to my Best Modern Horror Films list). A friend and I stumbled upon it when we were scrolling through Netflix and couldn’t find […]

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